Chapter 3 page 21

j giar on Jan. 28, 2009

Sorry…Late this a.m. I'm doing what all good Ohioan's do in January. SHOVEL SNOW!
Ahhh. Good times…good times.
SO here's page 21..probably one of my favs. so far…especially my old man. Retsudo. (Chip ;)) Not much to say..this page brings us closer to the end of chapter 3. Chapter 4 we'll meet the last of the trio…(Frank and Dre being the two)…and return to the Haven. Where I promise…promise (no hype) things will get out of hand. Now if you'll excuse me I need to take some aspirin and take a hot shower…my backs killin' me. =) See everyone back here next week…and I here the snow is headed to FLORIDA! =)