Pagem 35: Mazinger Animated

Lemniskate on Nov. 12, 2009

I was quite surprised when I discovered that some of the robot head designs of Mazinger Z (one of the progenitors of the humongous mecha genre, according to tvtropes) fit quite seamlessly into the style of Transformers Animated. So I designed some robots around them and tweaked the design anyway.

Original Mazinger Z designs can be found here, here and here:

This was really MUCH work. And well yes, I could've added shadows to the robots, but… no. Just no.

Another pic of the fembot now baptisted Markhor is here.

Did you notice the background? I painted it with acrylic colours. Sadly the characters obfuscate so much… for example the complete air vent in panel 2! So here's the background without them: