If I Reboot, You'll See a Bit More of Red

smkinoshita on Oct. 27, 2013

Red Dai was “The Red Matriarch”. I needed to give Skully an idol growing up, and then realized most villainesses either sucked or were pretty obscure, so I had to create a new one. She's a non-human (Skiv and Mr. Evil are also non-human), and is actually a mermaid/Deep One (they're the same thing in Super Temps). As such, she's very resistant to cold and pressure.
Her actual special powers are the inverse of Aquaman however – she's a mermaid (which can shift their legs to a few forms as required) who gets extra powers while on land – she can talk to land animals and her ‘creep’ power is much stronger. Unlike Aquaman, she can't control them – just talk to them.
Other fun trivia: Red started off as a normal mermaid I sketched on the web game “Doodle or Die”. She evolved over time to become a sort of Deep One.
If I reboot, I'll show more of Red, including a short story where Skully gets to meet her for the first time when she's a kid.