Ep. 21, Page 94

smbhax on April 14, 2014

Got my taxes done over the weekend, and in totaling up profits and expenses for last year, I found that 2013 was the first year in which A* actually made a profit! And one too small to be taxed, conveniently. : P A great deal of the thanks for this breakthrough goes to my readers, who gave me another year of kindly contributions via donations, ad revenue, and original artwork and other purchases. Thanks everyone, we made a profit, wheee!
It also helped a bit that I got stingier on spending ad dollars, I suppose, and, maybe because I've started to exhaust some of the obvious things to experiment with, I spent way less on art supplies in 2013 than in 2012only $875! (It was more than twice that in 2012. : ooo … It should kinda be coming down in 2014, too, since I've learned to use watercolor inexpensively, but then again this fancy watercolor paper costs like $2 or $3 per A* page, so eh hm maybe it won't be coming down. But I've been able to auction them off to readers for a bit more than before, so hopefully that will offset it. : ))