Ep. 21, Page 116

smbhax on May 14, 2014

More space news (getting more and more outdated ; ) quick-linky style!

'Waves' detected on Titan moons lakes (BBC)
Wrinkled Mercury's shrinking history (BBC) “The planet Mercury is about 7km smaller today than when its crust first solidified over four billion years ago.” (Due to cooling of its large metal core)
Cosmic inflation: ‘Spectacular’ discovery hailed (BBC) Find appears to show gravitational wave distortion in the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation, predicted by Big Bang “inflation” theory of the very early universe
Mineral hints at bright blue rocks deep in the Earth (BBC) "there may be as much water trapped in those rocks as there is in all the oceans"
Key food crops head to Arctic ‘doomsday vault’ (BBC) 800,000 samples stored in a Norwegian vault drilled through the permafrost halfway between mainland Norway and the North Pole
NASA's NuSTAR Untangles Mystery of How Stars Explode (NASA/JPL) “the inner regions literally slosh around before detonating”
Screens to replace windows on S-512 supersonic jet (BBC) Pretty much all the “windows” and sunny/starry skies seen in populated areas in A* are simulated : )
RX J1532.9+3021: Extreme Power of Black Hole Revealed (NASA/CXC) Detection of a new “ultramassive” (“a mass more than 10 billion times that of the sun”) black holeA*, by way of contrast, is only about 4 *million* solar masses
Dead Star and Distant Black Holes Dazzle in X-Rays (NASA/JPL)