Ep. 22, Page 41

smbhax on July 16, 2014

I wasn't getting so much as a nibble since trying to sell the original artwork for the latest A* pages as “Buy It Now” listings on eBay, so I've killed those and relisted the artwork as good ol' regular auctions. It's funny, even eBay itself does its best to discourage your from putting things up as “Buy It Now”: while configuring a “Buy It Now” listing, you get multiple messages on-screen from eBay, telling you that you really should do it as an auction, and that you're more than twice as likely to sell the item as an auction rather than as a “Buy It Now.” AND on top of that, they charge you a $0.30 fee just to list it as “Buy It Now.” Plus, with almost all “Buy It Now” listings, the buyer is forced to pay right away, so combined shipping doesn't work automatically, if you have that set up (shipping for my stuff is free for all items 11“x17” or smaller, after the first).
So chalk up another learning experience but now it's back to auctions starting at $9.99 as usual (I'm slowly starting to suspect my buyers are much smarter than me (well, that part almost went without saying) and knew they could just wait me out ; )). The “original on eBay” links for pages 38 through 40 have been updated to point to their new, regular auction listings, but why don't I just roll those out right here for you since I really would like you to bid on them, yep:

eBay auction for page 38

eBay auction for page 39

eBay auction for page 40