Ep. 31, Page 43

smbhax on May 24, 2017

Wednesday A* art sale! This week's auction, starting at a special sale price right here on eBay, is for the original 16“ x 6.75” ink illustration made for A* page 18:44, the dramatic panel showing Selenis and the Major's ship arriving in the seething cauldron of charged particles known as “The Voort Cloud”:

I made the textured outlines of the cloud “bubbles” with a dried sea sponge dipped in ink. Thanks for checking it out (there are higher-res images in the auction listing)! You can see all my other A* original art auctions through my eBay profile. For instance, the art for each new A* page is on sale there for a week, starting just before the comic page itself appears on this site. : )