Ep. 31, Page 63

smbhax on June 22, 2017

The page 62 I posted yesterday was actually my second attempt; the first version had come out in a more cartoony style:

The cartoonishness ended up annoying me so much that I just had to start over from scratch, even though it was pretty late in the day by that time–so I had to hurry, but fortunately the layout I wanted to go with–which had actually been my initial idea–was fairly simple (cheating on one eye helped :"P).

In my attempts at realistic artwork, less is usually more, so hopefully this will serve as a lesson to me to put in the up-front time of figuring out how to boil a scene down to its essential elements, rather than indulging my drawing hand in its love of easy loops, exaggerated lines, and frivolous, often downright silly details! ; )

(And having thought about it later, maybe part of what annoyed me about it was that the original version was quite similar to an encounter Selenis had with a large individual http://smbhax.com/?e=0016 also, there http://smbhax.com/?e=0016 I definitely struggle more in scenes where I haven't quite figured out the lighting.)