Nicol3 on Feb. 28, 2008

I work at this Chuck-E-Cheese esque place called PUMP IT UP. My original love for the job is slowly melting in to apathetic non-caredness, an attitude stage that I vowed I would try to avoid.

It's taken me the longest to transition into laziness.. A lot of my co-workers scrapped caring within the first month. Some, not all.

So I was working a party the other day, and this boy taps me on the leg. I whip my head around to see him, and he starts repeating, “I HAVE DIABETES! I HAVE DIABETES!” like his parents had trained him.

It was cute.. but his parents really never seemed to excuse his gross eating habits. He was drinking out of little deer-park water bottle.. and upon closer inspection, the water was yellow. At first I thought that like, they put apple juice in it or something. But after the party left, I was given the honor to throw it away. Turns out it was yellow from all the food and gunk he was eating. I nearly puked.