Star Strip page 85

bravo1102 on April 8, 2015

I managed to do enough photos to put together another page. My work schedule has changed with mornings and weekends off so there is hope that I can get some more work done. But with any schedule change it takes some getting used to so and I have a talent for wasting time doing anything rather than working on the comic.

@El Cid: Use the Grey Guys, robo-femoids and anything else you want in your new comic! Feel free. Knowing that someone as creative and talented as you values any of my creations to include is enough for me. Money would be great but just a mention would be enough.
As for Falasnorians, they don't kill. They dissect, Or even worse they make you feel a millimeter tall. They're so superior and can control everything so effortlessly they feel they don't need to kill.