Star Strip page 87

bravo1102 on April 20, 2015

Da-tu lays down some ground rules and Lon continues to be unhappy. Lon's figure has adjustable shoulders so it can slouch like that. in the first panel I turned his mouth upside down in Photoshop.
Oddly though Da-tu has had all the ladies get dressed she has gotten a little more comfy and is showing off some cleavage. We'll see her change into something more comfy later. And what is Da-tu doing to poor Dr. Rush? To be explained in the next couple of pages.

As for a talk show for Lon? He might show up in Belle's Best as a talk show host/late night horror movie host, One never knows. Using him is problematical as he doesn't have a top to his head. That's why he's always in hats. Originally the figure had a top hat modled on and I cut it off.