Star Strip page 133

bravo1102 on Aug. 27, 2015

I hope Da-tu's body language conveys just how amazed she is at Jen's recovery. I've wanted to do show complete moves like that, whole spins and rolls because reading some other comics there is implied motion and I wanted to expand my ability to portray it. It's really cool how a motion blur with the proper filter in Photoshop creates all the wooosh lines.

Here is what I was alluding to a few pages back. Aura is able to completely pin Fluffy just by kneeling on his chest. Like she says a good magician never reveals her secrets. At this point in the development of the universe I'm not sure how much “magic” I want cultures to have retained from the ancient distant past. The orignal concept of the Aordians and Diamorians included a sorceress corps and a convoluted quantum explanation of how magic works. Most of that has been scrapped.