94. Skeletons in the closet pt. 2

dracoblair on Sept. 1, 2011

And here he comes, another episode of the mysterious Avenger In White! Next week we will continue his story.
In other news, it's possible that this is the last strip published on DD as I managed to find a decent server(many thanks for CoffinShaker, who reminded me about its existence, thank him at http://coffin-comics.jesterbrand.com). Unfortunately, it's all based on WordPress so it will take some time before the layout's customised. Oh well :)
Don't forget to vote and see you next time! :3

Z pozostalych informacji, mozliwe, ze jest to ostatni komiks na DD, gdyz udalo mi sie znalezc calkiem fajny serwis hostingowy. Niestety, opiera sie on na WordPressie, wiec bede musial kombinowac zeby zrobic porzadny layout. Pozyjemy, zobaczymy
Nie zapomnijcie glosowac :]