Randomness -- Page 2

darrell on April 25, 2012

First up, something shastab24 mentioned last week made me wonder. How did you come across the Bluenoser? Or if it was from Divine Leap, how did you come across that? I haven't done much advertising for my comics so I'm curious how you came to find me.
I'm glad I was able to build up a bit of a buffer when I was out of work because I haven't had much time/energy to draw these past two days.
And yeah, we go from the Master Mummy in a graveyard to a flashback many, many years ago. We'll have a few pages of this and then… on to something else.
Locoma - Yeah, I've been keeping the dark stuff out of the comic but there's going to be some more darkness to come. You've been warned. :) But hopefully there will be some laughs too.
Peipei - Thanks and thanks!
ghostrunner -O.o indeed.
shastab24 - Thanks and thanks!