Chapter 2 -- Page 1

darrell on Jan. 9, 2013

And we're off. I had some issues with the layouts to this page, I had a lot of dialogue to fit in while leaving room to show what's going on and I really didn't want to drag all this out over two pages. It actually took a while to do it and there's one spot in particular I'd like to change if I had the time to do it over but oh well.
So the Bluenoser is alive and recovering, Mary's new look is official, and Victoria seems to be upset. Next week, Victoria's “origin” begins.
Peipei - Thanks, you too!
shastab24 - The cover pages were a little fun (and sometimes challenging) to do. Maybe if I have the time I'll do up some but don't count them as my regular weekly update (throw them up on Monday along with my Wednesday updates or something).
machinehead and ghostrunner - Thanks!