Page 12

Singring on April 13, 2011

A page with a lot of talking…exposition has to go somewhere, right? The first three panels are meant to indicate that Saphyr and her hunky boyfriend are approaching the campfire and the bearded stranger can hear them coming as they are arguing their way through the undergrowth before they emerge into the clearing. I also tried to indicate that with chanegs in font size but it makes some of teh first ballons hard to read - JPG compression doesn't help either, sorry about that - just download teh page and zoom in to read more clearly.

Stuff like this is great to figure out how such storytelling mechanics work. Will try to do a better job next time. Its also very hard to instil at least some sense of dynamism into a page with lots of ´dialogue…that worked ok on this one I guess. There will be more action to come, but for teh next couple pages we are going to explore Saphyr's background some more and see where she lives.

Stay tuned!