Page 15

Singring on March 16, 2014

Well, I'm a bit shocked that my comic has gone on such a protracted hiatus.
Life happens, and in my case it was a new job, a new country and a whole lot of other stuff to do.
I'm still determined to finish this story, however, even if it takes me 20 years to do!
On this page, we've arrived high up the mountains, where Saphyr hopes to find her father. As you can tell, their relationship is a difficult one. The reasons will become clear in the future. For now, I'm just glad to get the ball rolling again.
On this page, I tried hard to give each characte expressions that betray their emotions, sometimes not very subtly. I still find it very hard to get accross nuances in expression. Anger is quite easy to pull off - but feigned anger that is meant to hide insecurity? Not so easy…