(Return of) Demonic Adventures-Page 7

lizinverse on Aug. 25, 2014

Ah girl-talk. Just what you were waiting to read. >.>;;
If anyone at all has been noticing and/or curious about my current posting trend of two pages close together and then a stretch of nothing, here's the reason. Since I decided to re-draw chapter 1 in honor of this being the webcomic's third year of existence, I've been doing two pages of current story, and then two pages of redrawn chapter 1. So far I'm up to page 16 of the re-draw, so I'm a little more than halfway finished.
Make sure you take a peek at it sometime, I've restructured the story quite a bit so it's still essentially the same as it was, but with plot points (and art) being a little better polished. Sadly, because of my trend, I'm sure anyone new to the webcomic is confused as heck, especially when my re-draw doesn't match up to the old pages that I haven't replaced yet.
>.< It'll get better soon, I promise! Although if you're a new reader and you've made it this far, chances are you're fine with it. :D
Once the re-draw is finished, I'll probably be putting the original chapter 1 up in the Scrapbook, just as record of it having existed at some point.