
Whirlwynd on May 3, 2013

Hey to everyone still out there. Haven't had a good series of updates for three years now. A lot has changed since then, mainly, I don't have a job anymore.
I had stopped working on this comic because – well, I don't know. I guess I didn't like where it was going. I felt like it was kind of aimless and dumb. I figured I wasn't ready to tell the kind of story I wanted with it. A while ago the story was unearthed for an unusual request, and now Spyn and I are rewriting the script with the intention of bringing it back online.
It's going to be a while before any pages get posted, I plan on building a large buffer, maybe even completing the story before I post in online. And while I have no job, there's a lot going on in my life the next couple months and I'm also working on 20 Galaxies the Animated Series ( http://www.20galaxies.com ) But hey, if anyone wants to see any more progress art, let me know and I'll keep posting things here.