1-Nothing New

Mr Dynamo on Aug. 31, 2006

Just a few notes about how things go:
-Even though this comic is set in (albeit a fictional) Japan, most things will be in English. Some would call this lazy. Even though I do have a limited understanding of Japanese and I could scour the internet for Kanji, I would rather everyone understand whats going on.
-Unfortunitally, things half to start a little slow. It's necessary to introduce the characters and story. But I promise as soon as it gets rolling it's gonna be great!
-Schedule will be Mondays and Thursdays.
-This is a comic for anyone who likes Manga and
Is that it? I guess so. Anyway, I appreciate comments/suggestions/whatever, but if it's gonna be
long (say, over a paragraph) please send your c/s/w to goisshijack@gmail.com
(Kinda of deleted it, oops…back though)