Ch 21 Page 15

dragonsong12 on Aug. 12, 2013

EDIT: We're back! I'll post an accelerated update schedule on Monday, so stay tuned!

I don't think he's doing too well.

Now to the bit I think I kind of messed up. How did that blade get jammed into the rock?

Remember how Tai arrived with two of those weapons? If you go back to Ch, 21 Page 08, the one in her right hand goes for his head and misses, then she isn't holding it any longer for the rest of the fight. The idea was that it got stuck in the rock and she had to let go, but it's a bit of a pet peeve of mine when things like that are focused on - you can't help but think, “well, someone's getting stabbed on THAT”. Unfortunately, in trying to keep it from being too obvious, I think I went too far in the other direction and it's just sort of confusing.

The spell he cast threw them both backwards, leading to the result you see.

Sorry for any confusion. Thanks for reading! See you next week where the fun times continue!