Ashley Part 4: Plunder

usedbooks on July 10, 2017

If this scene looks familiar, that's because you saw it (kinda) in the scene starting on page 820. I tried an ethereal approach to this “memory” by keeping my sketch unpolished and minimizing outlines. I tried a white fade at first, but I like the look of the black, especially with my sketchy hand-lettering changed to white. Another coloring technique I employed was “dream color” in which I dull the coloring for most of the scene but let key elements maintain saturation (in this case, eyes and blood). It's also not a ver-batim flashback, because memories are liable to some decay and some flourish.

My commentary is so much longer than this simple page. Lol. It took more planning than execution, but I definitely needed the simplicity last week with the holiday. (At work, we had “Fourth at the Fort” )