It's late and I don't have to work tomorrow!

Kenz Lee on Feb. 21, 2008

Hmmm… I wonder why, Vamp… XP

Hehe, yeah, I actually get a day off so I'm staying up a bit later! I'm exhausted now so I'm going to bed after this is posted so leave me lots of comments so when I wake up I can go and be happeh when I check, lol!!!!
I didn't manage to get a page done because I'm so tired but the base sketch is ready it's just: inks coloring and text which I can do in a day since it's mostly characters! Yep, Vamp will make her second “first appearance on page three instead of the original page# 001.
I have my reasons^^
Again: this is old style, old technique but at least it's ”kinda" a comic!