Chapter 2, page. 10

Bii0 on Jan. 27, 2014

Ooh man, sorry guys. Instead of drawing illustration stuff I wound up doing thumbnails, wanted to see what the first chapter would look like of I redid it, which I kinda liked but I probably won't be doing anything with it for a bit. I've been kinda bummed out honestly, never got a call back until last weekend for another interview and I totally flubbed it, so I doubt I'll be getting hired there. But at least SOMEONE called me, most of the time I feel all my applications are going into some void.

Gosh Apollo's leaning over that couch funny, what was I thinking.
Apollo's a particularly clean person, he's not OCD, but he likes things to smell nice and fresh. So he can tell when Julian is around because he either didn't shower yet or he forgot to wash his clothes, completely defeating the point of a shower, but at least he's aware enough to change his underwear.

It's silly, everything in my life is leading to “do commissions!”, but I just… really don't want to. xD Either from being nervous about the customer? not liking what I draw or just the idea that I don't want anti-depressant to become another source of stress.
Sorry about the lack of effort in this page, I wanted to get it done last night so I rushed a bit, but I still took over five hours to finish. I'm gonna start working on the next page ASAP, hopefully I can get it done before next drill weekend.

Dayum! All my half naked scenes are like, the sexiest things.