Chapter 2, page. 24

Bii0 on Aug. 27, 2014

Gawd I can't believe how much trouble I'm having, like wtf! So the first 3 weeks after my last update I decided to put all drawing aside to study for a test for my job (which I spoke about on my ‘sometimes1stuff’ tumblr thing), I totally failed despite studying my ass off but after that I came down with a weird head-cold. Gave me all kind of retinal migraines and couldn't focus on anything without getting a headache, not sure if it just lasted for a while or what, but I couldn't get around to doing anything and I still have a super obnoxious migraine.
So, sorry guys, I've been trying to get this done but I was just having a bit of trouble along the way. If similar things happen again I will attempt to update about it on the blog I mentioned.

I should totally get into the horror movie business, that last scene is the perfect generic “ooooo scary!” scene you see in 90% of scary ghost movies.
What Julian sees is not supernatural, he's just off his nut a bit. (OR IS IT SUPERNATURAL!!!! -queues x-files theme-)

This migraine is kinda getting to me, so I'm going to go drug up and make it worse by studying… or lay down maybe if that fails.