Chapter 2, page. 26

Bii0 on Sept. 17, 2014

Alright! Soooo it's about 2am, I'm not supposed to be up but I'm going to be getting up for work in a couple hours anyway, and I just wanted to get this done and posted.
Been crazy busy. Going to work, coming home, then going right back out to school. Studying constantly.
I'm pretty burned out, but I think in a way this is helping me get back into the drawing thing, pumped the majority of this page out over the weekend and would have had it done sooner if I had time. Soooo yeah!

Rain clouds. Whooo welcome to Ohio.
Great priorities there, Julian. Remembered to bring your cancer sticks but your forgot your phone.
Also those weird sound effects coming from Julian is supposed to be his stomach, that cracker is probably rocking out by now.

I will reply to previous comments when I get home later. Sorry about that!