Chapter 2, page. 38

Bii0 on Feb. 22, 2015

Lmao! This page'll either make me lose readers or gain readers… or keep the ones I have and nothing changed, over the years working on this I've come across people reading my stuff that I never imaged would even glance at it. Not complaining, that's actually really cool!
Anyways, to whom may be offended by Julian's pasty ass. I'm sorry, but I did warn you.

Hooooman I'm so glad I got this done! I'm going to be having a busy week, gonna be working nights again and I'll be catching up on schoolwork in between, so I wanted to get this done before I had to go to bed and start my work week!
Sorry about the messyness, I wanted to just pump this out. I'm kind of excited, not going to say it as fact, but I think this chapter will be finished in about 2 to 3 pages.

You'd think that Julian would know who that is right off the bat since Vixen has the same taste in music as Apollo, and Apollo probably has one of those life-sized cardboard things of Bret in his closet or one of those body pillows… or a towel or something. But nope, apparently not.

Will be working on the next page ASAP! -thumbs up-


@tupapayon: Someone can cook food, the apocalypse is over!

Yeah. While our job can get boring enough that it feels like we're dying, but it's assumed that it was a construction accident. He hit his head just right and died instantly, at least if you're going to go doing it quick and painlessly would be the best way.

@ComicMan86: Thank you very much! The supervisor is definitely in a better place, the desert is a cruddy place to live.