MayelV on March 29, 2013

Way to go James! Defend yourself!
Man, that Jun Fei is a cat. He always lands on his feet.
Hey, guess what? A NEW VOTE INCENTIVE!
And guess what else? Photobucket somehow shrinks the image. I can't find a way to fix it. Damn you, photobucket.
Thanks for the support!
@Ink_wolf: You're right. That would distract ANYONE with or without pills.
@Mr Kaos:Oh, don't pity him so soon! He will put up a fight untill the end!
@RedCast15: Hahahaha!
@dragonestea: HAHAHAHAHAHA!! I actually pictured that in my mind. Like, James all tough saying “UNLEASH THE KRAKEN” and nothing ever happens and Jun Fei and Co. are just looking at him like “Dude, wtf”. It was hilarious.
@Spikes: HAHA! A whole new level? Wow. Then there's The Good, The Bad, The Ugly and… James.