Vol. 1 - Introduction - Page 01

Arwym Starlight on June 24, 2007

This is a personal thought I have had for a while. I have noticed how serious many adults tend to be. They see the world in a way that scares me, and I fear I might turn to be like them in a near future. Once the innocence of childhood is gone; once you know how the world works, and what life is about, many of those dreams we once had… disappear.

I don't want my dreams to disappear. Even if I know the chances are very small, I still want to dream, and try to make those beautiful illusions a new reality.

That is part of what this story is about. It's about how we dream, and how some situations in life can change the way we think of the future. It is that obliviousness of us during childhood that make us imagine a world that might not exist.

But what if all those fantasies we dreamed of were the true reality?

Ask yourself that question. :) After all, dreaming is a beautiful act that costs nothing but a wild imagination.