Ch. 1 Pg. 8

Macattack on April 11, 2012

Hey all! Sorry for spamming the “latest updates” lately but I AM BACK! To celebrate finishing the largest part of college, and also under the realization I work best with deadlines, I'm continuing Wireless early. So here we go on with Chapter 1. These first few pages are on my Deviant Art already however it won't be long till we go on with the plot.
Why am I updating on Friday instead of Wednesday?? Well… believe it or not I started working on this on wednesday… but to make things easier for you I've decided to move the original pages of chapter 1 including the prologue up here so you can read the chapter through right from the beginning… bad art and all! The pages will most likely stay in this order until the duck fixes it's page organizer!
In other news, on July 2nd 2012 Wireless will be officially 2 years old!! Scary to think it was that long ago that I started him. I plan on doing something special but haven't really got many ideas yet. If you have any suggestions feel free to post them! Glad to be back all! Hope you enjoy chapter 1! It's a lot of plot exposition but I wanted to repost it before chapter 3.