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Treebobber is new here!
treebobber at 8:14AM, Feb. 4, 2007
posts: 5
joined: 2-3-2007
Hi comics fans! My name is Treebobber and I am new here! So many cool comics! How do I choose? It's great to have a place to put my comic book up and get feedback. Thanks so much for having me!
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:33PM
Red_Tide at 11:54AM, Feb. 4, 2007
posts: 14
joined: 2-1-2007
Hi! =^^=
“So, Cormac, have you ever had to deal with a pmsing werewolf?”
“Well, it's a real bitch.”
-Kitty and the Midnight Hour
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:03PM

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