Bonus Colouring Pages

CONTEST! "Why My Comic Deserves Its Own Coloring Book"
Fly Hue at 6:10PM, Aug. 1, 2009
posts: 17
joined: 1-15-2008
Okay, so I know I've only made three coloring pages for my own comic so far, but I'm already thinking, “Man… I think this is actually a really good idea. I wish other web comics made coloring pages too. In fact, several out there DESERVE to have their own coloring pages.” So I have decided to solve the problem by starting the “Why My Comic Deserves Its Own Coloring Book” contest. ESSENTIALLY YOU ARE BEGGING ME TO MAKE YOU FAN ART. :D

Specialized fan art more like it. One first tier winner will receive the files for a 10 page coloring book composed of black and white cartoon drawings of their characters and story, two second tier winners will receive a 5 page coloring book composed of black and white cartoon drawings of their characters and story, and three third tier winners will receive an individual coloring page for their comic.

This is a rolling contest, so you can re-enter once a month, including if you are a past winner. There's nothing to lose to keep trying, so please enter as many times as you wish! :D

How to enter:

1) Complete this form and PQ it to Fly Hue:

DD Username:
Comic For Entry:
Short Essay (3-10 sentences) "Why my comic deserves its own coloring book"

Entries can be serious or humorous.

2) Fly will take entries all through the first three weeks of any month. On the fourth week of the month Fly will decide the winners and start making the prizes. The winners will be announced on the first of the following month, when the prize pages will be PQ'd to the winners.

Winners are free to do whatever they'd like with their coloring books. They may post them on their comic site for their readers, print them out for conventions to lure in new readers, or even hoard the images away for themselves for their personal viewing pleasure.

Interested in affiliating? PQ Fly Hue!

Taking Entries for August NOW!
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:19AM
Lilac at 11:14AM, Aug. 6, 2009
posts: 50
joined: 9-14-2008
Yay I'm definately entering! :D I just need to think of what to write. ^^ So this is a monthly contest? Cool. :3
My comics~~~ :D

Ar Oh Ef El


last edited on July 18, 2011 10:19AM
AllinBlue at 11:23AM, Aug. 7, 2009
posts: 1
joined: 8-1-2009
D'aww, a contest!
I'd enter, but my comic has no pages as of yet. xD
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:19AM

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