So I've been working on this little story...

#100 SciFi comics on TWC
Scorpion451 at 5:29PM, June 17, 2011
posts: 51
joined: 11-19-2010
You are now reading a blog entry written by the author of the comic holding position #100 in the top 100 SciFi comics on TWC.
I promised myself I wouldn't cry… oh well. 8,)
Really needed this, after the week I've had.
Thanks for all the votes, ya'll, and please keep ‘em coming!
Red queen theory in action; have to run as fast as you can just to keep up.
Next stop, the top 100 over-all. XD
You’re going down, Goblins. I'm only, what, 20,000 votes behind? XD
Updates every Tuesday!

Visit my deviantArt page to see some of my artwork and what I'm up to when I'm playing the not-working-on-my-webcomic game
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:14AM

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