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Back after a 5 year hiatus....
ljs5123 at 9:33AM, Feb. 18, 2013
posts: 18
joined: 11-10-2006
Hey everyone!
I'm back posting THE ELECTRIC OWL on the Duck.
The Electric Owl was somthing I came up with while daydreaming in high school back in the 80's.
In the early 2000's I published a series of ash can sized Electric Owl comics, eventually posting them on Drunk Duck around 2006 through 2008. I got tied up with a series of projects and day job (from hell) and haven't been posting regularly since 2008. Now I'm back and ready to finish posting the remaining pages of issue#3 and #4 then REALLY REALLY REALLY ready to dive into new story and art with Electric Owl #5. So stay tuned and I hope you enjoy my work.
-Loran J. Skinkis

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