Meet, Greet, Show and Sell*

KomradeDave at 10:19AM, Dec. 1, 2017
posts: 599
joined: 9-26-2006

My latest project is about a decade in the making. It started as children's stories, then I tried working it into a novella, and attempted a picture book. I didn't find any of those media the best fit for the original oral stories, though.

Silverfish is a family friendly semi-hard Sci Fi story about the crew of the Penguin Freight Ship Silverfish. Based out of Titan Colony, their job ferrying extra-belt ice to the lunar colony and returning to Titan with stores of fish from earth.

This is a long, but critical, journey, and there is plenty of adventure along the way.

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I've seen things you people wouldn't believe: The Anti Sprite Coalition on fire off the shoulder of Cut and Paste. I watched Top Drawer glitter in the dark near the Forumhauser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, likeā€¦ tears in the rain.

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