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Ozoneocean at 11:17PM, Jan. 27, 2010


Hakkum Town is a funny little place with a host of contributing characters. Mayor Annie's heart is in the right place and she does the best she can for Hakkum, her daughter Caroline observes and comments on the various goings-on, homeless rabbit Fenris gets into scrape and detective duck Bill Nior investigates! Hakkum town is a full colour newspaper style humour strip with a touch of social commentary.

Art and writing by npsmeby. Read Hakum Town Rated E


Also, check out the info about the new DD store for artists to make money by selling products with their working printed on it through DD: LINK


Please report any issues with the site resulting from last week's server switch in the Help forum!

The current issue is that the changeover time for comics and DD's server time are out of line by an hour or two so newly uploaded comics will only show as updated until the rest of DD changes over to the new day.I am currently waiting on news of a fix but have heard nothing yet.




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