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Design the DD Award submissions due BY SATURDAY NIGHT!

skoolmunkee at 10:11AM, June 9, 2012

Design the Drunk Duck Award submissions MUST be in by the end of Saturday! I'm a bit late in posting this (sorry!) so you haven't got much time left! Voting will occur by either PQ or posting in a dedicated thread that will be created.

Walrus said:
WWE The Comic reached 475 pages on Friday!

Gunwallace's Character Development reached 650 pages this week!

Planet Chaser by ZeroGee has hit 200 pages!



Niccea at 10:04PM, June 9, 2012

Voting Up:

Niccea at 12:04PM, June 9, 2012

By the way. The picture I used was El Cid's submission from last year.

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