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This Year's New Resolutions (a bit late)

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Feb. 6, 2017

At the start of the new year, I decided to make a couple resolutions. The first was that I am not going to buy any new clothes this year because I invested in a sewing machine because I plan to sew my own outfits from fabric.

The second resolution is a bit more related to art and webcomics–I have made a resolution to make an effort to draw more frequently. Between 2011-2013, I would draw on a daily basis for school. Drawing is a skill that gets better with practice, but after long breaks of not drawing, it almost feels like picking up a dusty book off an old shelf and trying to pick up where I last left off.

One thing I am glad about drawing is that I have reached a comfortable point in my own style and I have learned various techniques using software programs that picking up a pencil and digitally coloring is not that difficult to revisit.

The most difficult part of drawing on a daily basis is penciling in a time in my schedule that I can allow for drawing that I feel it is necessary to “make” a time in my daily schedule dedicated to art creation (ie. Wednesday Night, 6:30P-8:30P, Drawing Time). I am the kind of person who would much rather spend an evening curled up with a really good book or in front of a drafting table instead of a loud dance club with loud music.

Resolutions are meant to be beneficial in the long term, right?

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Ozoneocean at 5:06PM, Feb. 6, 2017

Actually my resolution was not to focus on dating and just take it easy. That has been going well.

PaulEberhardt at 10:07AM, Feb. 6, 2017

A couple of years ago I resolved not to make any New Years' resolutions any more, and I'm proud to say I've kept it so far. ;) But I'm trying to force myself to draw more nonetheless.

Banes at 6:04AM, Feb. 6, 2017

Excellent resolutions!

Ozoneocean at 4:38AM, Feb. 6, 2017

That's a good way to go! I think I'll force myself to draw more, or to digitally paint instead of draw...

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