Chapter Four - Pages Seven and Eight

wyldflowa on July 24, 2010

Oh god what did I do…? WHAT DID I DO?

Please tell me if these colours hurt you. They look alright to me, but I'm immune to these things. :) I'm probably going to try and upload all previous pages larger and with the new colours at some point. I need to update the other pages here too. Arrrgh. XD I feel like this is all a lot lighter and happier! To fool people before they read it. Hoho.

This page is actually quite old… I think I drew it around new years… last year. >_< I'm not sure, all the dates on my files have changed now I've transferred them to my new laptop… But ahah, this is something, but these is better to come. I'm not all pleased with this page, but it is old. I remember being really chuffed with it at the time of drawing. XD

And ah, yeah~ I've done a foundation year of university… this year coming I'm going to study animal behaviour and conservation! I'm having a bit of respite from a commission I'm working on right now and thought I'd give that webcomic I used to do some attention. I've been writing the next book on and off all the time I've been away, just not got to the drawing part yet. :(

Ahaha, I'm gonna go thumbnail to the latest episode of Top Gear ahahaa~