SS4 149 Mixed emotions

skyangel on Oct. 9, 2012

Oh dear, dear, dear what haveI done. Is this a good web experience or not, idk. The one thing that's always appealed to me about webcomics is that writer, artist and readers can all mix intimately in a way you could never do with the old paper comics, and you can discuss thoughts and viewpoints with each other too just as you have been, which is very unique. I'm actually almost scared to come on at the moment as I feel guilty for having crushed the relationship so badly!
In many ways though asI think a lot of you have already agreed, if anyone was ever going to cheat it was always likely to be Janey. Sarah isn't perfect by any means but for all her faults and even her doubts about her feelings, she has always done the honourable thing. As I've said before, I'm not defending Janey, she's just going to do what cheaters do in situations like this and try and convince both Sarah and you readers that she has learnt something from it and truly regrets her selfishness, as well as waking up to what she has really lost. She's the accused and you are the court andI get to be Judge Judy!!!! I have to admit though that at the moment I'm on the side of the non-forgivers.

Next week: Sarah faces Janey at work for the first time since that night and struggles to contain her anger in the workplace!

Have a nice weekend all! :)