Public Profile


member since November 11, 2007


Im full of surprises.

Comics By BlackRaven

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Comics Assisted By BlackRaven

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Comics Recomended By BlackRaven

This is a stick figure comic that I started. It's going to feature the jokes that don't exactly fit in the Bukkake Brothers. No Story line just a bunch of Jokes.

Ethereal Legacies is a fantasy-themed comic set in an alternate past Earth. The story line follows two Elven sisters, Bianka and Gatan, set against a backdrop of war between Light and Dark Elves.

Girl Jesus the messiah for our modern world and with the help of her friends and her spiritual advisor – the Burning Bush, she is going to save our souls... assuming she has time between looking for a job, playing softball and resurrecting Liz.

The odd adventures of a goose and a rabbit who play in a band together (though that rarely comes up). Be sure to check back daily for new comics!

Princess and Max welcome you to "Marital Bliss???" The comic strip about love, marriage and animal magnetism.

The stirring adventures of a ground breaking Sex Therapist.

Simon is just your average Southern California slacker, coasting through life with no direction. One night he is visited by a mysterious being who drags him into a life of adventure... whether he wants it or not.


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Videos Shared By BlackRaven

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Chaz McRich at 3:07PM, March 12, 2008

Thanks for the add chum!

Black Daisy at 8:28AM, Jan. 15, 2008

Kick ass, I'm a friend! Yo Raven, That's the end.

Calvin228 at 1:25PM, Jan. 14, 2008

thanks for the friend add. -Calvin and Jim

cravingcontrol at 8:35PM, Nov. 29, 2007

Society frowns upon me, but not you!

jazzy at 4:58PM, Nov. 26, 2007

Thanks for the add! I'm glad you like what I do.

F_Allen at 3:36AM, Nov. 16, 2007

cheers for the add hun please check out [url=]Dream Music[/url]my comic and music, if you got the time hun. - Frank

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