Public Profile


member since November 11, 2007


Hey, Im Mac and I live in Dallas. God, I miss California. Ive been told that I have an unhealthy obsession with all things undead. Im not denying it, but I dont really see it as a bad thing. Ive recently launched my daily strip Ted Zed. Im sure youll love it! Or not. I love it. Isnt that all that matters? Screw you, you hippie!

OH! I also make t-shirts! So if youse guys need any made for your website or comic (great for CONS!), then send me a quack or catch me on MySpace at

Comics By MacLPirata

  • Fantasy |
  • 55 pages |
  • last: July 7 2011 |
They're cute. They're fluffy. They're pissed. The bunnies of the world have banded together to seek revenge on man for unjustly depicting them as Nature's bitches.
  • Fantasy |
  • 1 page |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
The goings on from the dispatch room of a courier service. The shenanignans we have to put up with... All done by me on our dry erase board!
  • Fantasy |
  • 2 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
  • 1 like
This is where I keep all of the comics I did as a guest for someone else!
  • Fantasy |
  • 8 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
no description
  • Real Life |
  • 47 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
  • 1 like
I am Mac and this is my life. I don't know why I can't put an apostraphe in my comic name. It should be Mac's Life.
  • Fantasy |
  • 6 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
I'm doing 1 comic for every 25,000 signatures gathered for UNIFEM's "Say No to Violence" campaign (starting at 325,000) until they get 1,000,000. They have until 11/25 to do this. Check out my website for details!
  • Fantasy |
  • 1 page |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
This is a tribute to "Silly Songs With Larry"... The part of the show where Larry comes out and sings a silly song. Gotta love Veggie Tales!
  • Fantasy |
  • 66 pages |
  • last: July 6 2011 |
  • 1 like
Meet Ted and his zombie buddy Zed. They go way back. When Zed isn't trying to eat Ted they enjoy normal bachelor activities: Hanging out, playing video games, and doing a horrible job of picking up chicks. Follow our odd-couple as they do what they do.
  • Fantasy |
  • 0 pages |
  • last:  |
"The Hill" is the story of a squad of green plastic toy soldiers and their attempts to maintain supremacy over a small dirt mound in their own back yard.

Comics Assisted By MacLPirata

  • Fantasy |
  • 40 pages |
  • last: Feb. 19 2021 |
  • 1 like
After a powerful wizard died in his dungeon, a gelatinous cube slimed over his corpse and everything but his skull dissolved. Centuries later, Balastar is a prisoner within a gelatinous cube he Stockholmly calls Greg. The comic follows them as new adventurers explore his dungeon.

Comics Recomended By MacLPirata

Intellectual humor and solid art sprinkled with a little bit of Calvin and Hobbes. John Calvin and Thomas Hobbes, that is.

Hi I'm Carly, and for some reason I scare the Buh-Jeezus outta people! Not intensionally, they just think I'm weird. But I'm a really nice normal person. With lots and lots of friends! Lots of 'em, yup, lots. Who? Um, people too important to tell you

Zombies are loose on Drunk Duck. A community project of horror and mayhem. Come join in the chaos for this special (m)eating of minds. Leave brains in the slot after 6:00 PM. -The Management

While rustling through her attic one day, April discovers a box from 2,000 BC that contains a secret that changes her life forever... Updates Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday (For now)

Why light a candle when you can curse the darkness?

Princess and Max welcome you to "Marital Bliss???" The comic strip about love, marriage and animal magnetism.

Rule of Three focuses on four friends, Katerli, Hazel, Ivy, and Stone, as they get into all sorts of trouble.

An Enigmatic Tale of Redemption. Chapter 1: Satan's daughter, Lucie, decides to escape Hell with her sister, Chrissy. Satan of course sends his incompetent minions to recapture them. And Arthur, a nerd, somehow gets in the middle of all of it. Will Rodya, an angel on assignment, be able to save the devil girls? Chapter 2: Description coming soon

A daily updated web comic from the creator of Acquired Taste. Drawn in a simple, yet enjoyable style, this comic highlights certain aspects of day to day life as a member on the front-lines of the retail industry.

The story of your average everyday modern woman who happens to have a time machine.

While at camp Jimmy, was magically transformed into a 16 year old girl. See how a 12 year old boy deals with being in a 16 year old girl's body. This is a community project from 'The Wotch' forums. Let us know if you'd like to join.

A story about zombies... two in fact.


MacLPirata's friends

Videos Shared By MacLPirata

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Luffy91 at 2:32PM, April 10, 2008

hey man check out my new comic k its called paint funnies

soulcelshade at 9:18AM, March 21, 2008

Hi! Zombies rule!

Chaz McRich at 3:03PM, March 10, 2008

Sorry, I thought you were ManaBlitz for a second there... Anyways, thanks for the add chum...

Chaz McRich at 3:01PM, March 10, 2008


priuscomet at 12:02PM, March 9, 2008

love the comics - keep it up. ^_^

Allan at 5:55PM, Dec. 4, 2007

Sacramento, my main man! It is definitely a rockin' place. Lived here all my life! I don't think I could adapt to anywhere else. We'll see, though, right?

Luffy91 at 9:10AM, Dec. 4, 2007

cool I check my favs for updates evry day so Im almost certain never to miss an update and thus the comic is faved

Allan at 6:33PM, Dec. 3, 2007

Hey Mac! I live in California!

Lord Shplane at 8:36PM, Dec. 2, 2007

Actually, minion > subject. The subjects are the ones I make work in the salt mines. The minions are the ones cracking whips on them while they work.

Lord Shplane at 7:35PM, Dec. 2, 2007

No really, people keep adding me and I just have no idea who they are. I don't mind, but it is a bit confusing.

Rori at 2:24PM, Nov. 28, 2007

Well, at least you'll have a fighting chance in the zombie war. Tell the "norms" that say you're obsessed to enjoy their zombotomies!

carly_mizzou at 9:21AM, Nov. 19, 2007

Hey Mac! Where's the cheese?! ^_^

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