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member since May 05, 2009


Howdy! Im Kai,


Thanks for visiting my page. =)
You can reach me tru Deviant Art



UPDATE (02-04-10)
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UPDATE (07-05-10)
Redesigned art style. CLICK!

UPDATE (08-11-10)
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aztheg at 8:36PM, Nov. 20, 2011

Good day, New content of INVICTUS will be continued at Thanks guys!

aztheg at 8:36PM, Nov. 20, 2011

Good day, New content of INVICTUS will be continued at Thanks guys!

aztheg at 6:11PM, Aug. 25, 2011

Hey guys! What's up?! It's been a long time. I will be working back again with INVICTUS hopefully. =) However, it will be in a different site. If anyone else is still interested, I'll keep you posted! =) Thanks!

Darwin at 12:52PM, Oct. 27, 2009

Thanks for adding me to your friends list! Hope you like what you see!

Jabali at 11:02AM, June 2, 2009

Thanks for the add :)

c_arnold at 3:08AM, June 1, 2009

Thanks for the Add. I don't know what I did to deserve it, but whatever it was I'll make sure to keep on doing it.

Scorpious at 5:05PM, May 28, 2009

nice to meet you salutations from the Atlantic Caribbean :D

Little Swan at 8:48AM, May 26, 2009

Hey, thanks for the add :]

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