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member since April 04, 2020


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Comics By sosradio

  • Sci-Fi |
  • 328 pages |
  • last: June 7 2024 |
A web-comic of sound, music, and a quest for creative freedom from an entertainment starved tyrannical monarchy where anyone with the gift of art and self expression are not only hunted but enslaved. Chainsaw Adam's, a lone pirate radio dj travels a post apocalyptic wasteland broadcasting a message of rebellion. Calling to the abstract souls and the free spirits, he inspires those in hiding from the powers that be to rise up and fight back to create a new society built on the stuff that dreams are made of.

Comics Assisted By sosradio

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Comics Recomended By sosradio

Necromancer and part-time treasure hunter Umbra, along with her unwitting companion Ximm (He’s…the weirdo in her hair.), spend their days much like any adventurer worth their gold would. By day they dive deep into temples and tombs looking for riches and by night they test the patience of the local bartender while they try to drink each other under the table. Oh, and there might be the threat of the world coming to an end. You know how it is.

sosradio's friends

  • HawkandFloAdventures

Videos Shared By sosradio

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