
The rose killer review
Genejoke at 11:17PM, June 1, 2011
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
The rose killer is a good comic, I honestly don't know why Nicotine was worried about the review. We did pick at it as best we could but in spite of those flaws it's an interesting read. There is a reason it was one of the nominees for best noir/mystery comic in the last DD awards.

last edited on July 18, 2011 10:14AM
Gunwallace at 5:23PM, June 3, 2011
posts: 384
joined: 10-13-2010
I think the best compliment I can give the Rose Killer is that after reading and reviewing it I added it to my Faves, and will keep on following it. Whatever flaws and foibles we pointed out it's a fun and addictive read.
David ‘Gunwallace’ Tulloch,
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:14AM
Genejoke at 12:55AM, June 4, 2011
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
I don't think there are any flaws I could over look. I hope that came across in the review.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:14AM
Genejoke at 9:58AM, June 4, 2011
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
-I was a little surprised that there was confusion about who was who. I know Ophelia and Orsola look alike, but they're sisters. I wonder which characters you thought looked too much alike. The other ones I could think of are never really at the same place at the same time. xD

For me it was mainly the supporting cast, so not a major but it just made me take more care about working out who is who. A lot of that was more about putting myself in the position of a more casual reader who has yet to get invested in it.

-I know my art is not spectacular by any means, but I feel that a few more clips from newer pages could have been used (like from the latter part of 2010 to 2011). I guess that's being picky, but it would have been a better reflection of what I'm capable of now.

you're probably right there, don't downplay your artist talent. The comment about lack of technical expertise being made up for by the style… well I prefer your art to many others art that has great use of perspective and perfect (even exagerated) anatomy.

The eyes thing, I did wonder about that, thanks for clearing it up.

I do post at a slow rate which is really bad. I don't have the time to devote half of my life to my hobbies though, but I know that I should probably set an update day soon.

Perfectly understandable, hopefully anyone who reads the review will go in forewarned.

Same sort of thing with the pace, not everyone will dig it but those that give it a shot will be rewarded.
-The text boxes, I use them mainly for presenting the first person thoughts of some of the characters. I don't see myself as “lazy” (that kind of hurt! xD ) But I admit it wasn't always the best technique to use, especially during Ophelia's flashback about her childhood. Once again, it's a technique popular in manga that's just stuck with me.
-Manga tends to read more like books, which is probably why TRK does. Also, I've always been a writer first, artist second.

Again it isn't a big issue, it didn't bother me much but some people hate it, it's part opinion and trying to guess what a potential reader may be put off by. Hence the banter between Frank and Gabrielle. The reading like a novel part was all me as I found on some of those pages I was reading the text and going to the next page without looking at the images. It can be hard to impart that much information without it and no doubt it's a balancing act.

-I was a little surprised that you thought Ophelia and James were taking a back seat. They are more present in the coming chapters, and Ophelia defiantly is at the end of this chapter.

Yeah it has come back around now, it sort of ties in to…

-Too many characters? I don't know if I agree with this at all. They aren't there for singular reasons either, everyone has several parts to play that haven't been revealed yet because I update too slow xD. There are actually two more important characters that are yet to be revealed.

Again the character thing is a mixed bag. I love a lot of comics and shows with a large cast, I even have the same issue with some of my comics. Other people like things more streamlined. I actually enjoyed TRK more reading it through this time around, I think it is one that really needs some investment. It's not a casual read.

All in all, I'm pretty happy with the review because I can reflect on everything. It was cool how the reviews reflect the character of the comics. I just think there might be a little bias in comparison to other reviews. :D

I hope not but it's hard not to at the same time. It's one of the reasons I get other people involved with doing the reviews. Project GTH springs to mind, I had been reading it for ages and have collaborated with the author so I got two others on the review and let one of them take the lead with the review.
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:14AM
Gunwallace at 12:58PM, June 4, 2011
posts: 384
joined: 10-13-2010
I'd glanced at The Rose Killer a few times before the review, but had never sat down and read it from the beginning.

The confusion with characters was more that with such a large cast, and it being in b/w, there was a lack of obvious differentiation between some of the supporting cast members in terms of faces. The main characters are not confusing at all.

I choose the frames to use in order to illustrate the points being made in the review, so blame me for using too many older pics. I put the typewriter in because it was a wonderful example of how much effort you put into period detail. I put the eyeless face in because it really jarred for me. It was a WTF? moment. I had to put the ‘swirrrly coffeee’ frame in because it made me LOL.

I don't mind long text boxes, and I don't mind a comic that sometimes reads like a novel. But I am aware (from negative comments on my own writing) that other people hate lots of text in a comic, so we mentioned it. Consider the ‘lazy writing’ comment one directed at my own writing in the past, rather than something generated specifically at you.

We couldn't guess was to what was coming next, so our comments about the burgeoning supporting cast each with seemingly one-off plot advancements was based on what was there for us to read. That's how it read to us as is, but I look forward to the future developments that will make our review look stupid ;-)

I didn't think we were biased. It's a good comic. It stands out as something different, interesting, and created with love and attention. That's why we gave it a (mostly) positive review.

Now get to work so I can find out whodunnit!

David ‘Gunwallace’ Tulloch,
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:14AM
Genejoke at 2:11PM, June 4, 2011
posts: 4,222
joined: 4-9-2010
I suspect that with a story like TRK what will really count is how it ends.

No pressure :D
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:14AM
Nicotine at 5:26PM, June 4, 2011
posts: 494
joined: 6-18-2007
The confusion with characters was more that with such a large cast, and it being in b/w, there was a lack of obvious differentiation between some of the supporting cast members in terms of faces. The main characters are not confusing at all.
I guess we have varying definitions of what a large cast is as I always thought my cast was rather small xD. That's okay though, I see what you're coming from. I'd hate to press, but which of the support characters did you find hard to differentiate. 
I actually enjoyed TRK more reading it through this time around, I think it is one that really needs some investment. It's not a casual read.
Thanks, and I completely understand that. TRK has a storyline which begs for an attentive reader, there are little things here and there that the characters say which matter a lot later.
I put the typewriter in because it was a wonderful example of how much effort you put into period detail. I put the eyeless face in because it really jarred for me. It was a WTF? moment. I had to put the ‘swirrrly coffeee’ frame in because it made me LOL.
I loved seeing the typewriter because I remember drawing it and it was difficult for me. And the eyeless face, lol xD. The swirly coffee page is actually my favourite of the “older pages” so I was happy to see it included too. I feel a lot if my readers like Orsola for (morbid) comic relief. 
I don't mind long text boxes, and I don't mind a comic that sometimes reads like a novel. But I am aware (from negative comments on my own writing) that other people hate lots of text in a comic, so we mentioned it.
I see, ironically it seems a lot if my readers like the monologues xD. It all a preference thing, I understand that. 
We couldn't guess was to what was coming next
Muwhahaha, all according to plan! >:D
I didn't think we were biased. It's a good comic. It stands out as something different, interesting, and created with love and attention. That's why we gave it a (mostly) positive review.

Now get to work so I can find out whodunnit!
Aww, thanks! :D and I'll do that once I get back home tomorrow. 
I suspect that with a story like TRK what will really count is how it ends.
I was thinking that too. I think the ending is a shocker and will be unexpected for sure, I'm 100% about that. :D
last edited on July 18, 2011 10:14AM

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