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Phinmagic updates Thread
phinmagic at 9:42AM, July 27, 2022
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006
I'm Barry Linck, creator of Phineus+ Magician for Hire and other stories. I've been on this site since 2006, I left for a bit, but I'm back with all my comics and updating on DD, again. (You can tell I'm old, I still call it Drunk Duck)

I bring with me, my flagship comics Phineus+ Magician for Hire, that I've been writing and Drawing for 30+ Years. This will update Mondays.

Maynard and Grimm a spin off of Phineus, updates several times weekly, until I catch up with my archive.

Spellbook is my worldbuilding background comic, which updates on Fridays when I have new stuff to share:

Teen Wizard, a prequel series with our main characters in Magic college, also will update on Wednesdays until we catch up with the archive.

Weirdlings will return with the final half of the strips, shortly. This comic ended in 2012, but I need to update the later strips, here.

Any new stuff I work on will also find it's way over here. Hope you come along for the ride!

last edited on Nov. 8, 2023 7:27AM
phinmagic at 9:27AM, July 28, 2022
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006
I've added another of my comics to start updating, here. Bobby Carter: Creephunter. The escapades of celebrity monster hunter Bobby Carter, hobnobbing with the rich and famous, pissing off the dark and powerful!

The series is written by Mike Wood and drawn by me, Barry Linck! I draw a lot, huh?

I have a few pages posted, more to come each week. Let's say on Thursdays.

last edited on Nov. 8, 2023 7:06AM
phinmagic at 1:34PM, July 28, 2022
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006
And for anyone interested, I have a Patreon, where I post all my stuff in progress and fisrt! I also do aboiut a page a week of special bonus comics, not available on any of my sites. I have hundreds of pages up there already!
Head over to and check it out!

last edited on Nov. 8, 2023 7:06AM
phinmagic at 7:42PM, July 28, 2022
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006
All told as far as I can guess I've done 2896 comics since 1991. I may be missing a few.

It's no One Piece, but it'll do.
phinmagic at 12:27PM, July 31, 2022
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006
So, this past week I spent a lot of time working on all my DD comics pages, making them look awesome.

I have a post for Monday, and a new Magician for Hire page should be up around Wednesday. Sorry for the delay.

last edited on Nov. 8, 2023 7:01AM
phinmagic at 8:11PM, Aug. 1, 2022
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006
Did you know that I do all my comics on my phone? Well, now you do. #galaxynote10

last edited on Nov. 8, 2023 7:00AM
phinmagic at 4:44PM, Aug. 2, 2022
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006

Last round of pencils going down…
last edited on Aug. 2, 2022 4:46PM
phinmagic at 11:59AM, Aug. 3, 2022
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006
Bastard Who : The Gentleman's Chronicles is added to DD!

A gimmick Doctor Who parody, concocted by DD LEGEND James Riot and myself. Unfinished, so far, but fun!

last edited on Nov. 8, 2023 6:59AM
phinmagic at 11:40AM, Aug. 8, 2022
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006
Inks are comic along on page 4. I got distracted by website stuff and the cover for Teen Wizards TPB. This will be up this week.

last edited on Nov. 8, 2023 6:58AM
phinmagic at 11:50AM, Aug. 10, 2022
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006
Phineus: Teen Wizard Volume 1 Trade paperback is out for approval at Amazon. It'll be my first children's book on Amazon.
Teen Wizard is fun. Gotta get back to it, soon.

hpkomic at 2:08PM, Aug. 10, 2022
posts: 1,031
joined: 1-1-2006
I think it's cool you're posting so much art in this thread. I am too lazy for something like that.
phinmagic at 12:01PM, Aug. 11, 2022
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006
hpkomic wrote:
I think it's cool you're posting so much art in this thread. I am too lazy for something like that.

I'm trying to be much less lasy, here, now. Plus I think all my posts need art!
phinmagic at 12:02PM, Aug. 11, 2022
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006

Phineus: Teen Wizard is now available on Amazon as a book or on Kindle! Woot!
phinmagic at 11:15AM, Aug. 12, 2022
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006
3 Updates, today!

I was supposed to have one up, yesterday, but failed!!

Lots more to come!
last edited on Aug. 12, 2022 11:17AM
phinmagic at 6:57AM, Aug. 14, 2022
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006

Coming soon, cause I don't have enough to do…
last edited on Aug. 14, 2022 7:06AM
phinmagic at 9:16AM, Aug. 19, 2022
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006
4 Updates,this week!

phinmagic at 8:38PM, Aug. 20, 2022
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006

Phineus on Substack. I hear all the cool kids are doing it.
last edited on Aug. 20, 2022 8:40PM
phinmagic at 3:02PM, Aug. 21, 2022
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006
Ok. They got most if the main site back up, still a few things to tweak, but this managed to take up the while weekend, so I didn't get to draw. Stupid websites….

last edited on Aug. 21, 2022 3:07PM
phinmagic at 7:42PM, Aug. 27, 2022
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006
After a long, long week of my main site issues, my host escalated the problem and got it all fixed up. They ended up changing the url and screwing up my image links. All fixed, now.

Because of all this, i spent way too much time fixing what i could on this main site, but also preparing my backup Wordpress site, just in case they couldn't fix it.

The Wordpress site is pretty cool and may eventally replace this one. If you want to check it out it is at [url=After a long, long week of my main site issues, my host escalated the problem and got it all fixed up. They ended up changing the url and screwing up my image links. All fixed, now.

Because of all this, i spent way too much time fixing what i could on this main site, but also preparing my backup Wordpress site, just in case they couldn't fix it.

The Wordpress site is pretty cool and may eventally replace this one. If you want to check it out it is at

Now, with that all out of the way, i can get back to drawing! Sorry for the delay!
last edited on Aug. 27, 2022 7:44PM
phinmagic at 11:52AM, Sept. 3, 2022
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006
I am cnstantly creating new, bonus stories for my patrons on Patreon. For as little as $2 a month, you can have access to hundreds of pages of exclusive material. You get comics and help support my efforts.

last edited on Sept. 3, 2022 12:02PM
phinmagic at 4:54PM, Sept. 21, 2022
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006
I'm having a difficult week with my hands. Change of seasons wrecks me, after my car accident a few years back. My thu.b was nearly torn off. I'm just lucky I can still use it to draw. As soon as the pain eases, I'll get vack at it. Sorry guys!
phinmagic at 4:55PM, Sept. 21, 2022
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006
I'm having a difficult week with my hands. Change of seasons wrecks me, after my car accident a few years back. My thumb was nearly torn off. I'm just lucky I can still use it to draw. As soon as the pain eases, I'll get back at it. Sorry guys!
last edited on Sept. 21, 2022 4:56PM
phinmagic at 1:51PM, Oct. 22, 2022
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006

Heya. Doing a show next week. I've revamped my table a bit. What do you think?
phinmagic at 6:36PM, Nov. 1, 2022
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006

So, I've spent the last two days working on scripts. This is what my scripts look like. I've spent the last few years winging my comics and it's lead to me getting stuck and blocked. We'll, no more. Scripts, whole storybplotted, so when I'm drawing, I'm not constantly wondering where the story is going. Should be way more productive.
last edited on Nov. 8, 2023 6:42AM
phinmagic at 5:30PM, July 24, 2023
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006

Been at this a while. Meant to be posting stuff since my 35th, but my braij got in my way.
Gonna post older sketches and newer stuff the rest of the year.
phinmagic at 9:52AM, Nov. 6, 2023
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006
Whelp! Barcrawl is finished and the last page is up! Took way too long wading through my anxiety and depression to finish it.

Gotta always remember that my therapy is drawing!

Up next is finishing up Maynard and Grimm and Boy Wizards!

phinmagic at 7:34AM, May 17, 2024
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006

New page is up on all my pages!

last edited on May 17, 2024 7:36AM
phinmagic at 7:46AM, May 17, 2024
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006
A brand new Phineus bonus story has started over at my Patreon!
phinmagic at 6:01AM, May 20, 2024
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006

A brand new page of Vortempest Celestial Incident 11 is up on all my sites!
Wizards gotta wiz!
phinmagic at 6:21AM, May 21, 2024
posts: 136
joined: 9-26-2006
Council of Phins has Updated

Page 1 of “Council of Phins” is up over at

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