Lookit what Brianna Made OMFG
LadyBoo on Sept. 1, 2006
I am the artist…I snuck onto Tessa's account… Real comics should be starting soon. Once I get my sketchbook, really. Which should eb this friday. I did this on paint. Yay paint! So, send us sexy comments and you'll get sexy comics! Also, I can lick my face :q :P
Darkmax at 2:01PM, Oct. 29, 2006
ok as a guy this should be like getting a peek at the other teams play book right???
briannamal at 3:09PM, Oct. 6, 2006
hmmph! *insulted*
briannamal at 4:01PM, Sept. 28, 2006
TESSA!!!!!!!!!!!! POST THE COMICZORS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
briannamal at 2:30PM, Sept. 5, 2006
I GOTS ME MY SKETCHBOOK OMGLOL!!!! So, right now I'm finishing the cast 'o' characters, and I'll start on the 1st strip. I guess the cast 'o' characters miiiiiight be up by tomorrow...depending on tessa...And the first strip should be up by Friday, maybe... muah! kisses! xoxo
Scattersane at 12:26PM, Sept. 4, 2006
#1. Make me a sandwich.
anonymous at 10:30AM, Sept. 2, 2006
The artist and author are sexxxxy. especially the artist, apparently. POST SOME COMICSZORZZZZZZ!!!!! Fridays, right? I
briannamal at 10:29AM, Sept. 2, 2006
Sry i logged in on ur account, tessa...i think you told me the password and i remembered it...and i didmt know that I could add comcis (durr-hurr-hurr) on a different subject: FACELICKAGEOMGBUTZLOLBBQRAPTORCOPTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! also, I spelled "be" wrong...I spelled it "eb" as you may or may not have noticed. OHMAHYGAWD!!! Ima get me a sexy digital camera 2day...oh no, I'm blogging...oh well!!!!! ^.^ buh-bye adoring fans! ^.^
anonymous at 10:20AM, Sept. 2, 2006