Achilles [chapter two] - Page 11
TheRucoon on Dec. 1, 2006
*Bessos - Relative to Darius, one of the generals that was thought to have slaughtered him. I mention later who he is, but thought I might now for those who are curious. Since he vowed to avenge Darius (for his own reasons, political and personal), he of course would drop his silly little campaign to kill the bandit calling himself the Great King, to win the favor of the Perisan People even further.
SOrry about the late update again. I'm lovesick AND physically sick. It's a bad combination.
solace at 3:43PM, Dec. 17, 2009
ahhhhh! SHIT! UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!
mishi_hime at 11:52PM, April 11, 2009
Ashame you dont update anymore!
rmmanuel at 11:28PM, Feb. 13, 2008
Oooo, I love this :)
DeliriousxIntent at 4:08PM, Dec. 23, 2007
O`O I love this comic so much
tigrikorn at 9:29AM, Sept. 9, 2007
I have an interest in Persian history -particularly the nexus between Greek and Persian culture- so I'm glad to find your web comic.
Psylocke at 11:12AM, May 30, 2007
I love your drawings! Hope to see more of this comic soon! ^.^
Failing Hope at 7:30AM, March 9, 2007
amazing! incredible! and captivating!
Darkmax at 1:56PM, Feb. 19, 2007
Very Nice page!!!! Byron (The Devilfish Project)
dracco at 10:39AM, Dec. 15, 2006
I'm hypnotized by your art!
mishi_hime at 5:50PM, Dec. 9, 2006
oooh the fur on the last panel was a nice touch
apricot at 5:35PM, Dec. 7, 2006
Poppy at 9:33AM, Dec. 5, 2006
I wish you a speedy recovery!! (from the love affaire too, I was lovesick often enough, so I know, what is is...)