Issue 1 Page 3

wildcard on April 8, 2017

Enter Sir Burkhard our ideologically questionable saviour…
I should clarify a slight design mishap here; no it's not a scientology cross, I am neither condemning, condoning or trying to offend that particular faith. The design for this fellow was kind of riffing off Teutonic knights and in my ignorance I modified their typical crucifix emblem to suggest a differing fictional faith. It was many pages in that a friend pointed out the resemblance to much facepalming on my part but the damage had been done and the prospect of editing every instance of Burkhard with a new emblem didn't sit well with me.
Suffice to say, with this being a fantasy comic resemblances to real life people, cultures and beliefs really shouldn't be an issue. Ironically the fact I ended up with this similarity blindly illustrates how different people and cultures have and will often reach the same ends via different means. In some respects it even sits nicely within the intentional ambiguities I want this comic to have with the pentagram in the title being a good example of a symbol with many different interpretations amongst many beliefs and cultures.
TL:DR version: always do your research properly first ;)