knuckles01 on Sept. 8, 2006
sorry for not uploading for like 2 months or something i was busy with my other comic you know yeah anyway evil cow will never die!
Read my other comic:
knuckles01 at 7:49PM, Sept. 10, 2006
... we must make an agreement Blitz after your finished LOG OFF! M00T!
shaz3d at 11:33PM, Sept. 9, 2006
lol... talk about retart!!!! im talking about the cow and blitz... mOOt... thats my new thing m00t.... i will just shut up now....................... so bye....... yeah......... m00t..................grrrr... bye!
Blitz01 at 7:11AM, Sept. 9, 2006
you know how it says knuckles01 commented?.... well that was actually me XD. I forgot to log out of knuckles's account. sorry about that. so um yea... yay cow! XD
knuckles01 at 6:50AM, Sept. 9, 2006
EVIL COW MURDERERER....... yay cow!